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we poured the wine
which we served
then faint with malaise
we went to bed
whispering prayers
of good will
but it was not a good year.

the spume left us
racing to burst
to pop at the rim
of the cup
we all drank from

so long mother
your work done now
come and sit at the table
and feast with the king
you gave much
and left too quickly.

so long princess
your effervescence overflowed
many cups
as when one pours
too much
too quickly.

so long strangers
your names unfamiliar
as pebbles in a muddied plain
your leaving grieved so many
so much
so quickly.

and so shall we all drink deep
into the coming dusk
before it is time for us to sleep
so long
have we watched
such passing of days
awaiting better harvest
than this bitter aftertaste.

by Lee Kin Mun
aka mr brown
(Copyright Dec 1997)


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