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Top Ten List:
Uniform Behaviour


From the Home Office in the Principal's Office, here's the Top Ten List.

Top Ten Things RGS girls may not do while in uniform

Raffles Girls School is concerned about its image as the premier girls' school in Singapore. Recently, it announced that RGS girls could not loiter in shopping centres and MRT stations while in their school uniforms. Moreover, they should not be intimate with boys while in uniform. Is this wise? I think the boys have been waiting for just such an excuse. "Sweetie, you know your principal says you shouldn't get intimate with boys while in uniform, so why don't you take off your uniform?" So what else shouldn't they do while in uniform. We have a list.

Heeeeere we go,

10. Pick their noses in public.

9. Do the Macarena.

8. Sing or dance to "Barbie Girl".

7. Loiter or be seen loitering in the audience of "Tonight with Gurmit".

6. Scratch themselves in unmentionable places.

5. Help Explain the Role Of Every Singaporean in Total Defence.

4. Join the White House as an intern.

3. Carry, hold, or use a SpiceCam.

2. Attempt to beat the Flying Dutchman breaking wind on TWG.

And (drum roll) the number one thing that RGS girls may not do while in uniform

1. Respond to a page and say, "Ha-loh, diang kar pager?"

[Cue music, "Dressed for Success" - Roxette]



Contributed and Written by Gabriel "Loco Lobo" Goh


Made with Macintosh

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